Electric Dreams.

Being a David Bowie fan I wanted to develop an abstract tribute based on 80’s nostalgia with a nod to modern colour trends – reimagined  – as a collage. The core challenge was in designing a print that conveyed spliced floral motifs and reinvented Lepidoptera to capture the constant reinvented brilliance that was Bowie.






Print Design, Illustration

Considered approach
and a concept what sets my work apart.

The basic philosophy of my work is to create inspired, concept driven solutions for my clients by collaborative development of prints by researching and presenting concept drafts. Even if you have a print from another artist – I will help you get the print you dreamt of.


Through gathering David Bowie and 80’s conversational iconography and researching trend forecasts I could then draft concepts and test the print with illustration  throughout the print development process. 


After determining which prints suited the base cloth , I set about perfecting the colours and scale. Then generating a print family or varying prints that could be clashed together. New colour standards and art pages were created for tech packs in preparation for print strike offs.

Development behind the project